Happy New Year! As we start 2024, some things are remaining the same, and some things are changing.
As for things that remain, I'm still trekking North America with the national tour of BEETLEJUICE, and still having a ball with it. In a few more weeks our routing through summer 2025 will be revealed, so stay tuned for some exciting destinations.
On to the things that have changed. I bought a house! The goal scenario is to start splitting my non-touring time between NYC and my new place in Austin, TX. I called Austin home in the 90's during my grad school years, and even though it's undergone tremendous change since then, it still represents a very happy place and time for me.
The new place will give me a little more space to make music, enjoy the outdoors, cook, host guests, entertain, (maybe build some more LEGO?) and otherwise just relax in a very different environment than the bustle of New York City or the endless routine of hotel rooms. Now I just need to furnish the place...